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Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 20
Vol. 11 No. 20 (2013)The Institute of Socioeconomic Research (IISEC), of the Bolivian Catholic University "San Pablo", presents the twentieth issue of the Latin American Journal of Economic Development (LAJED). On this occasion, the magazine seeks to contribute to the debate and generation of knowledge in the area of poverty at a national and international level.
Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 19
Vol. 11 No. 19 (2013)With the present delivery the Latin American Journal of Economic Development (LAJED) reaches nineteen regular numbers, two special numbers and we have completed ten uninterrupted years since this adventure began. To celebrate this occasion, the efforts of several national and international researchers are added, to which we express our greatest gratitude.
In this edition of LAJED we have six scientific articles and one of debate. The magazine covers a wide range of issues related to the banking system and the problems of fiscal decentralization in Bolivia, the performance of the electricity sector, the emission of CO2 and the green national accounts in Bolivia. -
Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 18
Vol. 10 No. 18 (2012)The Socio-Economic Research Institute of the Universidad Católica Boliviana San Pablo is pleased to present the No. 18 of the Latin American Journal of Economic Development. This number includes a wide range of subjects carefully selected according to the economic situation of the country. In this sense, the reader will be able to find scientific articles that range from the economic analysis of crime to the evolution of inflation and the exchange rate.
Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 17
Vol. 10 No. 17 (2012)Since its creation, the Latin American Journal of Economic Development (LAJED) has sought to have articles of academic excellence, complying with international publication standards. In this framework, this issue of our journal incorporates articles evaluated and highlighted in the 3rd Bolivian Conference on Economic Development (BCDE), held at the Bolivian Catholic University on November 14 and 15, 2011.
Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 16
Vol. 9 No. 16 (2011)Dear readers, I am pleased to present Number 16 of the Latin American Economic Development Magazine (LAJED), which incorporates two important novelties. First, from this edition the magazine will accommodate an article of discussion in a wide spectrum of topics related to economic, social, technological and ethical. Second, it is important to point out that along with this printed issue the first issue of the journal is sent in electronic format, which will maintain the scientific rigor and will be framed in the protocols of the Scielo platform. The topics covered in this publication are varied and range from an economic analysis of the energy sector, through a rigorous investigation of the productive chain of the country, to the discernment of a deep ethical article that raises the need to ask: what character must a man be built to make good decisions in an insecure, modern world, donated by economics and technology?
Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 15
Vol. 9 No. 15 (2011)We are pleased to present the fifteenth issue of the Latin American Journal of Economic Development, which focuses on the discussion of issues of human development, economic cycles, environment and energy. Our journal has been evolving from the initiative of a group of professional researchers who in 2003 were concerned with the promotio of research in this broad, complex and exciting field of science. Today the Latin American Journal of Economic Development undertakes a new task: the creation and development of an electronic version that deepens the impact of produced knowledge.
Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 14
Vol. 8 No. 14 (2010)Some years ago, the first issue of the Latin American Journal of Economic Development (LAJED) was presented, promoted by a group of professionals concerned about scientific research and economic and social events in Bolivia, Latin America and the world in general. Since then, the journal has hosted multiple articles related to economic activity in various areas, many of which have served as a guide for policymakers and others have fostered discussion, both internally and internationally. Today the Socio-Economic Research Institute (IISEC) is pleased to continue on this path and present a new issue of the journal, addressing different issues that have to do with the development of countries.
The arduous task has made the LAJED an important space in the national scientific academic field, merit that we must thank mainly all the authors, referees and collaborators for the articles sent, evaluated and edited, respectively. However, the constant advance of science and media merit new challenges for the journal. In this sense, the IISEC, under the mantle of the Bolivian Catholic University "San Pablo" (UCB), undertakes the task of incorporating it into the online Bolivian Electronic Journal portal, fulfilling the requirements of the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCieLo) . -
Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 13
Vol. 8 No. 13 (2010)Today we are pleased to present the number XIII of the Latin American Economic Development Magazine with two important news. In the first place, the incorporation of the Bolivian Academy of Economic Sciences (ABCE) as part of the sponsorship and editorial board of the journal, with the purpose of helping to improve the quality of our articles with the help of the most important economists of the country. Second, from this issue our magazine becomes part of Online Electronic Bolivian Magazines, which is a collection of scientific, academic, technical and technological publications, full text and free and available access available online, which also meets with the Scientific Electronic Library Online methodology -SCIELO
Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 12
Vol. 7 No. 12 (2009)The Institute of Socio-economic Research (lISEC), as an integral part of Bolivian Catholic University San Pablo, has been carrying out an arduous research labor for 35 years framed in catholic values and oriented towards the search for solutions regarding economic problems and social issues that afflict our society.
Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 11
Vol. 7 No. 11 (2009)The explosion of the bubble of the companies "dot com" between 2000 and 2002, along with the attack of Al-Qaeda against the towers of the World Trade Center generated great uncertainty in the investment markets, phenomenon that resulted in a flight of investment capital to real estate. The Federal Reserve of the United States initiated a policy of reducing interest rates with the aim of reversing the technological recession and uncertainty. The cheap money policies led to an increase in subprime loans that resulted in risk derivation mechanisms, infecting Investment Funds, Hedge Funds and Pension Funds. In September of last year the financial crisis, the stock market crashes and the obvious symptoms of a recessive process pushed the search for millionaire rescue plans that are apparently insufficient to face the problem.
Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 10
Vol. 6 No. 10 (2008)The ideas of decentralization were born in the theoretical and conceptual advances that were developed in the process of construction of the European Union. The transfer of these ideas to other geographical areas and other political and social realities was due, to a large extent, to the disenchantment of the population regarding the efficiency of public sector functions, especially in those countries where centralism characterized its economic structure. These conditions allowed the progress of privatization and decentralization processes in the last two decades of the last century, in the search for a smaller and more efficient public sector. On the other hand, faced with macroeconomic imbalances suffered by several economies and ethnic conflicts, the decentralization process appeared as a possible solution. Such is the case of those countries that recovered democracy based on broad agreements that not only included different political parties but also different regions and ethnic groups.
Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 9
Vol. 5 No. 9 (2007)Que estamos viviendo una época de cambios, no hay duda: sin embargo, cabe tomar conciencia de que también estamos atravesando por un cambio de época. Todo cambio de época es un proceso agobiado por los estertores de la muerte de ciertas utopías y el nacimiento una nueva forma de orden que regulará la dinámica social en el futuro. Durante el tiempo que dura la transición estamos atrapados entre las viejas ideas, que no acaban de morir, y las nuevas, que no terminan de nacer.
Este proceso de inflexión, cuyo inicio data de finales de los ochenta e inicios de los noventa, nos ha dado signos inequívocos de que el desarrollo se basa en la libertad. Empero, a pesar del derrumbe de las ideas megalómanas que pensaban que se podía dirigir el comportamiento de los individuos, sería una arrogancia pensar que podemos conocer lo que nos deparará el futuro. Lo único que podemos hacer es mantener nuestra intransigente lucha por la libertad. -
Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 8
Vol. 5 No. 8 (2007)Professor Xavier Sala -i - Martin notes that one of the most important lessons we have learned from the development of the recent theory of economic growth is, without any doubt, that institutions matter. The institutional matrix, beyond a legal system that ensures the rights of individuals and satisfactorily protects property, is made up of a complex of interdependent norms that, together, determine the efficiency of economic performance; among them, financial institutions help to transfer savings to investment, both for long-term ventures and short-term activities that require the availability of liquid resources.
Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 7
Vol. 4 No. 7 (2006)Economic growth responds to individuals' effort to achieve better living standards, which will depend on the possibilities and opportunities that they have to transform their efforts into achievements. In a society where social mobility is limited, the incentives that promote growth cease to operate, so it is necessary to rebuild the bridges for the achievement of a more dynamic social structure. The main instrument that a society has to achieve this goal is human capital; therefore, investment in education is the passport to development.
Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 6
Vol. 4 No. 6 (2006)This issue of the Latin American Journal of Economic Development comes out in circumstances in which economic paradigms seem to crack, a phenomenon that is perceptible, to a greater or lesser degree, throughout the Latin American region. These are moments when the storm intensifies, threatening the fragile institutional solidity of our countries. In these circumstances, returning to the right path requires that we turn to the economic thought built from the Renaissance era to today.
Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 5
Vol. 3 No. 5 (2005)This issue includes four outstanding research articles, we thank the authors for their interest in publishing in our journal. Similarly, our greatest gratitude to the colleagues who gave us their time as referees of the different papers that were submitted; their contribution in the selection and qualification of the documents is fundamental to maintain the level and the academic rigor of this publication.
LAJED Special Edition 2005
Vol. 3 (2005)Hace no más de dos décadas, los economistas estaban concentrados en el análisis de los ciclos económicos y la efectividad de las políticas para reducir los efectos negativos de las crisis de corto plazo. En ese marco, el trabajo de las políticas para reducir los efectos negativos de las crisis de corto plazo.
Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 4
Vol. 3 No. 4 (2005)The experiences of all our countries, as well as the research carried out beyond our borders, should help us not to make mistakes systematically and, rather, to use successful experiences. This is the objective of our magazine and our efforts go in that direction.
Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 3
Vol. 2 No. 3 (2004)The Institute of Socio-Economic Research (IISEC) of the Bolivian Catholic University has undertaken this effort to have a meeting place between academics from our country and from other Latin American countries, where signals and orientations can be generated to our leaders and social leaders with a view to improve the quality of life of our population.
Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 2
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2004)The search to construct models to interpret the reality of Bolivian economy, and of countries from Latin America, has been the premise on which this Journal was born. We hope that the papers included in this issue will help towards the achievement of this important goal.
Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 1
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2003)The public presentantion of the Journal of the Institute of Socio-Economic Research (IISEC) of the Bolivian Catholic University "San Pablo" has two goals: on the one hand, to put to consideration of academics, policy operators and the general public, the different research documents carried out in the Institute and, on the other hand, to publish some external articles whose dissemination we consider important. Understood the academic field as one that links the theory with economic problems, the Journal finds its rationale in the need to open the debate on some problems that we consider important for the country and the region. We see with deep concern the delicate economic and social situation that characterizes the current moment we are living and, certainly, we feel a kind of obligation to present our small contribution to the solution of our problems.