Environmental threats and vulnerability in a variability climate context for Bolivia
Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems, Environmental Risks, Path theory, Impact on Welfare, Socio-economic, Welfare EconomicsAbstract
The objective of this research work is to show the impact of the flood, drought and frost threats on the wellbeing of the different regions of Bolivia, taking vulnerabilities as variables of approximation to the socioeconomic indicators of well-being. The research contributes to the state of knowledge with a new method to estimate and identify the impacts on the socioeconomic well-being produced by climate change, from the combination of climate variability analysis with artificial intelligence. To achieve the proposed objective of identifying the relationships between threats, vulnerabilities and well-being, several Expert Systems (the same ones that belong to the area of Artificial Intelligence) are constructed based on algorithm C4.5. The main feature of the algorithm is that the decision trees can be assembled based on data tables, thus making the work of pattern recognition mediators. The recognition of patterns allows to describe the increase or decrease of welfare produced by the variables under study.
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