Vol. 8 No. 14 (2010): Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 14

Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 14

Some years ago, the first issue of the Latin American Journal of Economic Development (LAJED) was presented, promoted by a group of professionals concerned about scientific research and economic and social events in Bolivia, Latin America and the world in general. Since then, the journal has hosted multiple articles related to economic activity in various areas, many of which have served as a guide for policymakers and others have fostered discussion, both internally and internationally. Today the Socio-Economic Research Institute (IISEC) is pleased to continue on this path and present a new issue of the journal, addressing different issues that have to do with the development of countries.
The arduous task has made the LAJED an important space in the national scientific academic field, merit that we must thank mainly all the authors, referees and collaborators for the articles sent, evaluated and edited, respectively. However, the constant advance of science and media merit new challenges for the journal. In this sense, the IISEC, under the mantle of the Bolivian Catholic University "San Pablo" (UCB), undertakes the task of incorporating it into the online Bolivian Electronic Journal portal, fulfilling the requirements of the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCieLo) .

Published: 2010-11-01