Vol. 1 No. 1 (2003): Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 1

Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 1

The public presentantion of the Journal of the Institute of Socio-Economic Research (IISEC) of the Bolivian Catholic University "San Pablo" has two goals: on the one hand, to put to consideration of academics, policy operators and the general public, the different research documents carried out in the Institute and, on the other hand, to publish some external articles whose dissemination we consider important. Understood the academic field as one that links the theory with economic problems, the Journal finds its rationale in the need to open the debate on some problems that we consider important for the country and the region. We see with deep concern the delicate economic and social situation that characterizes the current moment we are living and, certainly, we feel a kind of obligation to present our small contribution to the solution of our problems.

Published: 2003-09-01