To what extent does growth benefit the poor? Evidence for Bolivia 1994-2002


  • Marcelo Ochoa C Central Bank of Chile
  • Daniela Zapata S. University of Chile.



magnitude, increase, poverty


This paper explores the importance of growth as an instrument to reduce poverty and the extent to which the poor benefit from growth. Using three alternative methodologies, a poverty decomposition and two measures of pro-poor growth, we examine the benefits and costs the poor in Bolivia have to tackle during a high growth period (1994-1997) and a period of economic contraction (1999-2002). Our findings suggest that the benefits from growth and costs of economic crisis are distributed unequally. Even though, the poor do benefit in high growth environments, they share much smaller gains than wealthy households. In contrast, when the economy contracts the poor acquire most of the looses. Evidently, economic crises disadvantage the poor, and economic expansions favor the wealthy.


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Author Biographies

Marcelo Ochoa C, Central Bank of Chile

Economic Research Management, Central Bank of Chile.

Daniela Zapata S., University of Chile.

Economics Department, University of Chile.


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How to Cite

Ochoa C, M. ., & Zapata S., D. . (2007). To what extent does growth benefit the poor? Evidence for Bolivia 1994-2002. Latin American Journal of Economic Development, 5(9), 9–44.