Sustainable bilingual intercultural education system for the urban area


  • Svetlana Paichadze Hokkaido University
  • Carlos Gonzalo Álvarez Mutoh Corporation



Multiculturality, Interculturality, Migration, Integration


From the late 1970s, many countries have started shifting from a national state policy towards a multicultural state policy. In Bolivia, the Educational Reform of 1994 aimed at reinforcing the national identity by eliminating the difference between rural and urban education and by referring to an Intercultural Bilingual Education (IBE) for all Bolivians. The objective of this paper is: 1) To show the need for a new approach to the IBE in Bolivia, taking into account the migratory movements from the rural to the urban areas and the ethnic-regional movements. 2) To establish the type of multicultural orga- nization that would suit Bolivia, and the parameters for a successful implementation of the IBE. 3) To propose a sustainable system of IBE for the suburban and urban areas, considering all the linguistic groups. Our proposal aims at elevating the status of the ori- ginal languages with respect to Spanish and to develop the potential of the languages of foreign immigrants as a form of global integration.


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Author Biographies

Svetlana Paichadze, Hokkaido University

Graduate School of International Media and Communication, Hokkaido University, Japan

Carlos Gonzalo Álvarez, Mutoh Corporation

Information Systems Engineer, Mutoh Corporation, Japan.


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How to Cite

Paichadze, S., & Álvarez, C. G. (2006). Sustainable bilingual intercultural education system for the urban area. Latin American Journal of Economic Development, 4(7), 97–124.