Spatial analysis of housing's offering price in metropolitan area of ​​Cochabamba


  • Elda Collazos Reyes Universidad Mayor de San Simón
  • Wilma Gamboa Pérez Universidad Mayor de San Simón
  • Pablo Prado Velasco Universidad Mayor de San Simón
  • Vincenzo Verardi Université Libre de Bruxelles



Individual property, Econometrics, Housing price


The purpose of this paper is to identify which structural characteristics of the real estate market determine the sale price of privately owned housing, taking into account spatial heterogeneity. The study was conducted in the Cochabamba metropolitan area. The sale price of real estate, which reflects multiple factors, including location, is used in a model of hedonic pricing associated with spatial econometric techniques (Moran index, spatial autocorrelation model. GWR). The results of the study, presented in thematic maps generated by the Geographic Information System (ArcGis). show the influence of the percentage variation of the individual explanatory variables over real estate sale prices by location


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Author Biographies

Elda Collazos Reyes, Universidad Mayor de San Simón

Researcher CEPLAG-UMSS.

Wilma Gamboa Pérez, Universidad Mayor de San Simón

Researcher CEPLAG-UMSS.

Pablo Prado Velasco, Universidad Mayor de San Simón

Researcher UMSS.

Vincenzo Verardi, Université Libre de Bruxelles

Researcher ECARES, CEE, Université Libre de Bruxelles.


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How to Cite

Collazos Reyes, E., Gamboa Pérez, W., Prado Velasco, P., & Verardi, V. (2006). Spatial analysis of housing’s offering price in metropolitan area of ​​Cochabamba. Latin American Journal of Economic Development, 4(6), 33–62.