Economic, Social and Demographic Determinants of Political Participation in Latin America: Evidence from the 1990s


  • Alejandro Gaviria University of Los Andes
  • Ugo Panizza Inter American Development Bank
  • Jessica Seddon IR/PS, UC San Diego



Political pariticipation, Latin America, Political activism


This paper uses international data on voter turnout and individual-level data to describe levels and distribution of political participation in Latin America The paper finds that, while voter turnout in Latin America is rather low. the analysis of more general indicators of political activism reveals that participation is fairly homogenous across socio-economic strata The finding that participation in Latin America, though low. is comparatively egalitarian seems to partly contradict the perception that Latin America’s history has been one of exclusion and marginalization.


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Author Biographies

Alejandro Gaviria, University of Los Andes

University of Los Andes (Bogota, Colombia)

Ugo Panizza, Inter American Development Bank

Researcher at the Research Department of Inter American Development Bank. 

Jessica Seddon, IR/PS, UC San Diego

Researcher at the IR/PS, UC San Diego.


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How to Cite

Gaviria, A., Panizza, U., & Seddon, J. (2004). Economic, Social and Demographic Determinants of Political Participation in Latin America: Evidence from the 1990s. Latin American Journal of Economic Development, 2(3), 151–182.