Global Value Chains: The case of Bolivia


  • Beatriz Muriel Hernández INESAD Foundation
  • Alejandro Herrera Jiménez INESAD Foundation



Global Value Chains, fragmentation indicators, Bolivia


This paper analyzes Bolivian Global Value Chains (GVC) for 2002, 2005 and 2011, using the Vertical Specialization Index (EV) of Hummels et al. (2001) and the measure of Upstreamness of Antras y Chor (2011) (cited by Antras et al., 2012b). Indicators show that trade patterns are represented by a concentration of raw materials, which have also taken advantage from those derived from GVC; while manufacturing sectors have been less important in this dynamic, and they even lost their relevance over time.


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Author Biographies

Beatriz Muriel Hernández, INESAD Foundation

Executive Director of the INESAD Foundation and Academic Number of the Bolivian Academy of Economic Sciences (ABCE)

Alejandro Herrera Jiménez, INESAD Foundation

Junior researcher of the INESAD Foundation


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How to Cite

Hernández, B. M., & Herrera Jiménez, A. (2018). Global Value Chains: The case of Bolivia. Latin American Journal of Economic Development, 16(29), 9–50.