Crisis and Bicentennial. Some socio-economic considerations


  • Máximo Quitral Rojas National University of San Martín



Crisis, Bicentennial, poverty, deregulation, speculation and Latin America


The main objective of this study is to think over from the analytical perspective of political economy and comparative political science, about the political stages arising from the subprime crisis of 2008 and the social consequences seen facing the Latin American Bicentennial. As the first topic, the main economic explanations of the recent housing crisis is raised to critically review. As the second point, a theoretical reflection on the income of the countries of the region on the Bicentennial is developed, and the future expected for them.


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Author Biography

Máximo Quitral Rojas, National University of San Martín

Historian, PhD student in Political Science, National University of San Martín, Argentina. Master in International Studies, University of Santiago de Chile (USACH). Researcher at the Institute of International Studies of Arturo Prat University (INTE).


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How to Cite

Quitral Rojas, M. (2012). Crisis and Bicentennial. Some socio-economic considerations . Latin American Journal of Economic Development, 10(18), 177–199.