Equity in the Provision of Services in Bolivia: Electricity Dignity Rate


  • Lourdes Espinoza Vásquez Bolivian Catholic University "San Pablo"
  • Wilson Jiménez Pozo




Social Rate, Equity and Efficiency


Rate Dignity in Bolivia, in force since 2006, aims to increase coverage of electricity consumption in lower income households in urban and rural. This paper makes an assessment of that rate in relation to the benefits given to the Bolivian population with special focus on targeting criteria and the estimation errors of exclusion and inclusion. The results suggest greater benefits in the application of this tariff measures are taken to improve the current funding sources and implement improved criteria for identifying beneficiaries of the tariff.


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Author Biographies

Lourdes Espinoza Vásquez, Bolivian Catholic University "San Pablo"

Economist, professor at Bolivian Catholic University and Universidad Mayor de San Andrés. Associated consultant of ABS - Consulting Group on issues of competition and price fixing.

Wilson Jiménez Pozo

Economist, expert in social and poverty issues, consultant for international organizations of social area.


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How to Cite

Espinoza Vásquez, L., & Jiménez Pozo, W. (2012). Equity in the Provision of Services in Bolivia: Electricity Dignity Rate . Latin American Journal of Economic Development, 10(17), 135–168. https://doi.org/10.35319/lajed.201217141