Vol. 16 No. 29 (2018): Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 29

Revista Latinoamericana de Desarrollo Económico No. 29

The Institute of Socio-Economic Research (IISEC) of the Bolivian Catholic University "San Pablo" presents with great satisfaction the twenty-ninth issue of the Latin American Journal of Economic Development, LAJED. Since its foundation in 2003, the journal has published its 28 preceding issues in a biannual and uninterrupted manner, becoming an important space for researchers committed to the study of the economic and social development of Bolivia and Latin America.

The documents published in the Journal LAJED have achieved high standards of quality and relevance for academics, decision makers and civil society. This is the result of a collaborative work between the internal editorial committee, the members of the international editorial board and the impeccable external arbitration work carried out by the Bolivian Academy of Economic Sciences (A.B.C.E.); to all of them our deepest gratitude.

This issue of the LAJED magazine contains five research articles on topics of productive complementarities, environmental economics, health, quality of life and monetary policy.

Published: 2018-05-01