New Evidence for Exports-Led Growth, Tradables-Led-Growth and Manufacturing-Led Growth: Causality Test Results for Turkey 


  • Serhan Ciftcioglu Eastern Mediterranean University
  • Ramzi Nekhili Eastern Mediterranean University



Exports-Led Growth, Economic growth


Using quarterly Turkish data for the period 1987-2004, we first test the Export-Led-Growth hypothesis in two alternative forms: while the test results are supportive of a bidirectional causal relationship between the "growth of export revenues" and "economic growth", we have not found any evidence of a causal relationship between the "share of exports in GDP" and "economic growth". On the other hand, we found evidence of bidirectional causality between the respective output shares of tradables, in general, and manufacturing, in particular, and economic growth. The Granger causality between the respective output shares of tradables, in general, and each sub-sector of tradables, in particular, and the share of exports in domestic output.


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Author Biographies

Serhan Ciftcioglu, Eastern Mediterranean University

Faculty of Business Administration. Eastern Mediterranean University; Turkey.

Ramzi Nekhili, Eastern Mediterranean University

Faculty of Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering. Eastern Mediterranean University; Turkey


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How to Cite

Ciftcioglu, S., & Nekhili, R. (2005). New Evidence for Exports-Led Growth, Tradables-Led-Growth and Manufacturing-Led Growth: Causality Test Results for Turkey . Latin American Journal of Economic Development, 3, 135–154.