Migration, Inequity, Human Development And Marginalization: The Case Of Migrants From Mexico State Towards The United States Of America (1995-2000)


  • Ángel Mauricio Reyes Terrón Government of the State of Mexico
  • Ricardo Rodríguez Marcial Autonomous Mexico State University
  • Adán Barreto Villanueva Government of the State of Mexico




Migration, inequity, human development, marginalization


The document addresses the issue of the migration originated in the different regions and municipalities of the state of Mexico and which destiny is the United States of America, during the period 1995-2000. The study applies the migration gravitational model and it extends incorporating a number of variables such as: Gini´s inequality quotient the human development index and the marginalization index, both aimed to verify if such magnitudes contribute to the explanation of the influx heading to the above country. The presence of these variables is justified because they make reference to the disparity of the income distribution and the supply and availability of some public goods. The analysis takes into account the 18 regions and the 122 municipalities in which the State of Mexico is politically and administratively divided during the referred period. This study applies cross section econometrics to establish multiple correlation relations between the involved variables. As a result some quantification explaining the influx in the second half of the 90´s are offered and some recommendations about politics are distinguished.


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Author Biographies

Ángel Mauricio Reyes Terrón, Government of the State of Mexico

Council for Research and Evaluation of Social Policy (CIEPS), Government of the State of Mexico. Toluca, Mexico

Ricardo Rodríguez Marcial, Autonomous Mexico State University

Faculty of Economics, Autonomous University of the State of Mexico. Toluca, Mexico.

Adán Barreto Villanueva, Government of the State of Mexico

Council for Research and Evaluation of Social Policy (CIEPS), Government of the State of Mexico. Toluca, Mexico


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How to Cite

Reyes Terrón, Ángel M., Rodríguez Marcial, R., & Barreto Villanueva, A. (2011). Migration, Inequity, Human Development And Marginalization: The Case Of Migrants From Mexico State Towards The United States Of America (1995-2000) . Latin American Journal of Economic Development, 9(15), 79–132. https://doi.org/10.35319/lajed.201115151

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