Scenarios for abolition of common agricultural policy in Spain


  • Ramón Ramos Argudo University of Zaragoza
  • Julio Sánchez Chóliz



Computable General Equilibrium, Common Agricultural Policy, Agricultural international trade, GTAP


The aim of this paper is to quantitatively assess the long run economic impact of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) abolition, where in particular, we focus on the Spanish economy. To carry out our analysis, we employ the Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) computable general equilibrium model with accompanying version 6 data. In its present incarnation, the data captures the global economy in 2001.
To characterise abolition of the CAP we unilaterally remove all pillar one CAP support. In addition, we eliminate export subsidies and EU import tariffs which affect primary agriculture and food processing sectors, all of it according to the benchmark equilibrium in 2001.
Examining traditional general equilibrium welfare measures of market efficiency and terms of trade effects, our underlying result is that Spain realises a small welfare gain from removal of the CAP, although this finding carries a caveat. 


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Author Biography

Ramón Ramos Argudo, University of Zaragoza

PhD student from the National Institute of Agricultural and Food Research and Technology (INIA), Ministry of Education and Science and the Department of Economic Analysis of the University of Zaragoza. Agrarian Economy Unit. Agroalimentary Research and Technology Center. Government of Aragón Montañana Av. 930,50059, Zaragoza, Spain.


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How to Cite

Ramos Argudo, R., & Sánchez Chóliz, J. (2009). Scenarios for abolition of common agricultural policy in Spain. Latin American Journal of Economic Development, 7(12), 143–168.