The political economy of Bolivian populism in the 21st century


  • Juan Antonio Morales Bolivian Catholic University "San Pablo"



Bolivia, 21st century populism, Evo Morales, income redistribution


Populist experiments are recurrent in Latin America. One of the most conspicuous cases is that of Bolivia in the 21st century under the government of Evo Morales and the Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS). The populism of this century, in common with previous experiences, prioritizes the redistribution of income and wealth based on the central role in the economy that is given to the state for one part, and in nationalism for another. The new feature in the populism of the 21st century is the incorporation of the ethnic claims of the majority indigenous population. Economic policies point to short-term political gains, disdaining the long-term consequences. But, unlike previous experiences, the aggression to the markets, very palpable in the case of nationalizations and in the New Political Constitution of the State, has been more important than the fiscal or monetary expansion. On the other hand, thanks to the very favorable international context, the policies of the MAS government have not had to clash with fiscal or balance of payments restrictions.


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Author Biography

Juan Antonio Morales, Bolivian Catholic University "San Pablo"

Professor, Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences, Universidad Católica Boliviana. La Paz, Bolivia.


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How to Cite

Morales, J. A. (2009). The political economy of Bolivian populism in the 21st century. Latin American Journal of Economic Development, 7(12), 103–142.