From authoritarian state to neutral democratic state


  • Armando Méndez Morales Bolivian Catholic University "San Pablo"



Democratic state, Neutral state


This paper maintains that societies, in their development process, are moving towards a consolidation of democratic and neutral states. In a context of a globalized mar­ket economy. It is understood by neutral state a representative democracy which does not favor any social group, and which offers the essential functions that every modern society requires (such as security, infrastructure and the guarantee of economic stability). To achieve this, the state needs to have a number of rules that were previously established by its legislature. This study comes to the conclusion that Bolivia needs to accelerate this process if it wants to develop its potentials and stay away from dangerous future setbacks.


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Author Biography

Armando Méndez Morales, Bolivian Catholic University "San Pablo"

Professor at Bolivian Catholic University "San Pablo"


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How to Cite

Méndez Morales, A. . (2007). From authoritarian state to neutral democratic state. Latin American Journal of Economic Development, 5(9), 115–154.