Exchange Rate Volatility in Emerging Markets: The Chilean Case


  • Juan R. Castro Le Tourneau University



Chilean economy, ARCH model, Macroeconomic shock, Exchange rate volatility


This paper empirically investigates the volatility of the Chilean pegged exchange rate regime using a target zone model. Using the ARCH model, this paper tests the exchange rate volatility in the presence of different levels of foreign reserves and other macro shocks. It is found that the domestic credit, domestic debt, and foreign debt have the largest volatility of the variables tested when compared with other fundamental variables. The variance of the exchange rate is heteroskedastic but not persistent, which implies that the exchange rate was stable, probably moving within the band. The exchange rate volatility fluctuates more with domestic and foreign debt than with the other variables tested.


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Author Biography

Juan R. Castro, Le Tourneau University

School of Business. Le Tourneau University.


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How to Cite

Castro, J. R. (2007). Exchange Rate Volatility in Emerging Markets: The Chilean Case. Latin American Journal of Economic Development, 5(8), 87–100.