Measuring Willingness-to-Pay in Discrete Choice Models with Semi-Parametric Techniques


  • Pablo Marcelo García Inter-American Development Bank



Simple Index Models, Willingness-to-pay, Semi-parametric econometrics


It is usual to estimate willingness-to-pay in discrete choice models through Logit models -or their expanded versions. Nevertheless, these models have very restrictive distributional assumptions. This paper is intended to examine the above-mentioned issue and to propose an alternative estimation using non-parametric techniques (through Simple Index Models). Furthermore, this paper introduces an empirical application of willingness- to-pay for improved subway travel times in the City of Buenos Aires.


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Author Biography

Pablo Marcelo García, Inter-American Development Bank

Inter-American Development Bank


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How to Cite

García, P. M. (2005). Measuring Willingness-to-Pay in Discrete Choice Models with Semi-Parametric Techniques. Latin American Journal of Economic Development, 3(5), 83–100.