Is there a trend towards the feminization of poverty?


  • Jorge G. M. Leitón Quiroga Bolivian Catholic University "San Pablo"



Poverty, Feminization


Poverty is a concept that has been approached by numerous scholars of development and that finds different forms of measurement and definition. When analyzing the literature related to the topic, there is a diversity of poverty alleviation programs, which were gradually implemented and had mixed results, although in most cases their success was quite limited .


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Author Biography

Jorge G. M. Leitón Quiroga, Bolivian Catholic University "San Pablo"

Head of research at IISEC-UCB.


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How to Cite

Leitón Quiroga, J. G. M. (2005). Is there a trend towards the feminization of poverty?. Latin American Journal of Economic Development, 3(4), 156–165.