IT Portfolio Management: Multiply Case Studies in Manufacturing Business


  • Pietro Cunha Dolci Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
  • Antonio Carlos Gastaud Maçada Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
  • Youssef Ahmad Youssef Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina



IT investment, Information Technology Portfolio Management, Dimensions of IT Portfolio, Case study


The Information Technology Portfolio Management (ITPM) is seen as one way of identifying, analyzing, justifying and managing investments in Information Technology (IT). Accordingly, the main objective is to analyze IT management of manufactures and identify how ITPM, in four dimensions (strategy, informational, transactional and infrastructure), could help this issue. For this purpose, three case studies were developed. The IT manager from each firm was interviewed with the aid of semistructured instrument. The preliminary results indicate that infrastructure receives the largest part of the investments and that IT manager have difficulty defining the percentage of investments in IT in the proposed dimensions. Despite this difficulty, the interviewees recommended the use of the ITPM technique.


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Author Biographies

Pietro Cunha Dolci, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul


Antonio Carlos Gastaud Maçada, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul


Youssef Ahmad Youssef, Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina



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How to Cite

Cunha Dolci, P., Gastaud Maçada, A. C., & Ahmad Youssef, Y. (2012). IT Portfolio Management: Multiply Case Studies in Manufacturing Business. Latin American Journal of Economic Development, 10(18), 105–127.