Calibration and Validation of the APEX Model for three Potato Cultivars Produced in the Bolivian Andean Region


  • Carlos Eduardo Quezada Lambertin Bolivian Catholic University (UCB) "San Pablo"
  • Javier Osorio Leyton Blackland Research Center
  • Jean Paul Benavides López Bolivian Catholic University (UCB) "San Pablo"



Potato production, crop simulation models, APEX, yield, Andean region


The purpose of this study is to calibrate and validate the APEX simulation model for the study of three potato genotypes highly important for the economy and food security of the Bolivian Andean region. An automatic sensitivity analysis was performed, and the model calibration and validation were based on secondary data from studies carried out in Toralapa (Cochabamba) and Patacamaya (La Paz) communities. In addition, the potential of the model for decision-making towards sustainable production of potato was evaluated. The results obtained indicate that the model simulates adequately the growth of the three cultivars under the Andean agroecological conditions. Consequently, it can be used to study the impact on potato production of productive projects, technologies, management practices, and climate change, and thus, design strategies to improve potato productivity.


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How to Cite

Quezada Lambertin, C. E., Osorio Leyton, J., & Benavides López, J. P. (2021). Calibration and Validation of the APEX Model for three Potato Cultivars Produced in the Bolivian Andean Region. Latin American Journal of Economic Development, 19, 155–177.