
  • Revista Latinoamericana de Desarrollo Económico No. 41
    Vol. 22 No. 41 (2024)

    La Revista Latinoamericana de Desarrollo Económico (LAJED, por sus siglas en inglés), en 20 años de publicaciones semestrales ininterrumpidas, se ha convertido en un espacio importante de difusión de investigaciones nacionales e internacionales, alcanzando altos estándares de calidad y relevancia, tanto para académicos, tomadores de decisiones y líderes de la sociedad civil. Este es el resultado del esfuerzo conjunto del Departamento de Economía y el Instituto de Investigaciones Socio-Económicas (IISEC) de la Universidad Católica Boliviana “San Pablo”, la Sociedad de Economistas de Bolivia y la Academia Boliviana de Ciencias Económicas, en su afán de promover la investigación y crear incidencia en la opinión pública.

  • LAJED edición especial 2023

    Revista Latinoamericana de Desarrollo Económico - Edición Especial 2023
    Vol. 21 No. esp (2023)

    The special edition of the Latin American Journal of Economic Development focuses on sustainable finance in Bolivia and Latin America. The five articles included cover topics such as the international and national framework for issuing green bonds for hydroelectric projects in Bolivia, lessons learned from experiences in Chile, Brazil, and Mexico, and the importance of public companies complying with the process of Circular N° 749/2022 of modifications to the "Regulation of the securities market" developed by the ASFI. The journal also highlights Bolivia's opportunity to steer its sustainable finance towards a path where the Green Premium emerges organically from financial transactions.

  • Revista Latinoamericana de Desarrollo Económico

    Revista Latinoamericana de Desarrollo Económico No. 40
    Vol. 21 No. 40 (2023)

    La Revista Latinoamericana de Desarrollo Económico (LAJED, por sus siglas en inglés), en 20 años de publicaciones semestrales ininterrumpidas, se ha convertido en un espacio importante de difusión de investigaciones nacionales e internacionales, alcanzando altos estándares de calidad y relevancia, tanto para académicos como para tomadores de decisiones y líderes de la sociedad civil. Éste es el resultado del esfuerzo conjunto del Departamento de Economía y el Instituto de Investigaciones Socio-Económicas (IISEC) de la Universidad Católica Boliviana “San Pablo”, la Sociedad de Economistas de Bolivia y la Academia Boliviana de Ciencias Económicas, en su afán de promover la investigación y crear incidencia en la opinión pública. El presente número contiene cuatro artículos con tópicos relacionados al desarrollo económico y social de Bolivia y América Latina.

  • Revista Latinoamericana de Desarrollo Económico No. 39

    Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 39
    Vol. 21 No. 39 (2023)

    The Latin American Journal of Economic Development (LAJED, for its acronym in English), in 20 years of uninterrupted biannual publications, has become an important space for the dissemination of national and international research, reaching high standards of quality and relevance, both for academics , decision makers and civil society leaders. This is the result of the joint effort of the Socio-Economic Research Institute (IISEC) and the Department of Economics of the Bolivian Catholic University "San Pablo", the Bolivian Society of Economists and the Bolivian Academy of Economic Sciences, in their desire to promote research and create an impact on public opinion. This issue contains four articles with topics related to the economic and social development of Bolivia and Latin America. With great pleasure we recommend you read the number 39 of the LAJED magazine. We are sure that reading it opens up new research paths.

  • Revista Latinoamericana de Desarrollo Económico No. 38

    Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 38
    Vol. 20 No. 38 (2022)

    The Latin American Journal of Economic Development, in 19 years of uninterrupted biannual publications, is the result of the joint effort of the Institute of Socio-Economic Research of the Bolivian Catholic University "San Pablo", the Department of Economics of the UCB La Paz branch, the Society of Economists of Bolivia and the Bolivian Academy of Economic Sciences, in their desire to promote research and create an impact on public opinion. This issue contains four articles on topics related to the economic and social development of Bolivia and Latin America. We are pleased to invite you to read the 38th issue of LAJED. We are sure that reading it will open new avenues of research.

  • Revista Latinoamericana de Desarrollo Económico N° 37

    Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 37
    Vol. 20 No. 37 (2022)

    Con gran satisfacción presentamos un nuevo número de la Revista LAJED. El contenido refleja, en gran medida, las preocupaciones de la comunidad económica latinoamericana hoy en día. El efecto sobre el bienestar de la sociedad de las fluctuaciones de los precios agrícolas internacionales, la evaluación costo-beneficio de políticas medioambientales, el retorno a la educación y su relación con el mercado informal y una nueva perspectiva sobre un concepto tan tradicional como la condición Marshall-Lerner, otorgan a este número la diversidad necesaria para llegar a varios públicos.

  • Revista Latinoamericana de Desarrollo Económico - Edición Especial 2021

    Revista Latinoamericana de Desarrollo Económico - Edición Especial 2021
    Vol. 19 (2021)

    This special issue of the Latin American Journal of Economic Development (LAJED) is dedicated to the issue of food security, within the framework of the project “Food sovereignty and nutritional innovation in vulnerable communities in Bolivia”, of the cooperation program between the Flemish universities of Belgium, VLIR-UOs, and the Bolivian Catholic University (2017-2021). In this number, both project researchers and experts in relevant topics will participate to address the reflection on the transformation of food systems in an efficient way, in the search to achieve a nutritious diet and the conservation of the environment.

  • Revista Latinoamericana de Desarrollo Económico No. 36

    Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 36
    Vol. 19 No. 36 (2021)

    The Instituto de Investigaciones Socio-Económicas of the Economics Career of the Universidad Católica Boliviana “San Pablo” presents the thirty-sixth issue of the Revista Latinoamericana de Desarrollo Económico (LAJED). On this occasion, five articles are exposed on various topics related to the COVID-19 pandemic and other economic development topics.

  • Revista Latinoamericana de Desarrollo Económico N° 35

    Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 35
    Vol. 19 No. 35 (2021)

    The health, economic and social crisis caused by the current COVID-19 pandemic represents a milestone in human history. This situation poses new challenges to academia, policy makers and society in general, not only because it has led to questioning which are the priority issues for economic, social and environmental policies, but also to rethinking new forms of work organization and of the care of dependent persons. The pandemic has revealed the centrality of common and public goods for the sustainability of life and, consequently, the continuity of economic and social activities. Among these assets, ecosystems, food, health, education, housing and care in families and in society stand out. It is in this context that the Institute of Socio-Economic Research of the Economics Degree of the Bolivian Catholic University "San Pablo" presents the thirty-fifth number of the Latin American Journal of Economic Development (LAJED), in which works that contribute to the discussion on the effects of the pandemic and on the main social and economic problems in Latin America and the world.

  • Revista Latinoamericana de Desarrollo Económico

    Latin American Journal of Economic Development N°34
    Vol. 18 No. 34 (2020)

    The Latin American Journal of Economic Development (LAJED, for its acronym in English) celebrates 17 years of uninterrupted semester publications on social and economic development by national and international authors. This important space for the dissemination of research of high quality and relevance is the result of the joint effort of the Institute of Socio-Economic Research of the Bolivian Catholic University "San Pablo", the Society of Economists of Bolivia and the Bolivian Academy of Economic Sciences , in its desire to promote research and create impact on public opinion.

  • Revista Latinoamericana de Desarrollo Económico N°33

    Latin American Journal of Economic Development N°33
    Vol. 18 No. 33 (2020)

    La Revista Latinoamericana de Desarrollo Económico (LAJED, por su sigla en inglés), en 17 años de publicaciones semestrales ininterrumpidas, se ha convertido en un espacio importante de difusión de investigaciones nacionales e internacionales, alcanzando altos estándares de calidad y relevancia, tanto para académicos como para tomadores de decisiones y líderes de la sociedad civil. Éste es el resultado del esfuerzo conjunto del Instituto de Investigaciones Socio- Económicas de la Universidad Católica Boliviana “San Pablo”, la Sociedad de Economistas de Bolivia y la Academia Boliviana de Ciencias Económicas, en su afán de promover la investigación y crear incidencia en la opinión pública.

  • Revista Latinoamericana de Desarrollo Económico

    Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 32
    Vol. 17 No. 32 (2019)

    The Institute of Socio-Economic Research of the Bolivian Catholic University “San Pablo” (IISEC-UCB), the Bolivian Academy of Economic Sciences (ABCE) and the Society of Economists in Bolivia (SEBOL) are pleased to present the No. 32 of the Latin American Journal of Economic Development (LAJED). In these 16 years of uninterrupted biannual publication, the LAJED has managed to position itself as a reference for national and international researchers, which is evidenced by the considerable number of articles received to be published in our journal.

  • Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 31

    Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 31
    Vol. 17 No. 31 (2019)

    With more than 15 years of semi-annual publications, the Latin American Journal of Economic Development (LAJED, by its name in English) is consolidated as an academic publication of high quality and relevance, both for scholars and for public decision-makers and leaders of civil society. This is a joint effort of the Institute ...

  • Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 30
    Vol. 16 No. 30 (2018)

    The Institute of Socio-Economic Research (IISEC) of the Bolivian Catholic University "San Pablo" presents with great satisfaction the thirtieth issue of the Latin American Journal of Economic Development LAJED. Since its foundation in 2003, the magazine has published two annual issues in an uninterrupted manner, thus constituting an important space for authors committed to the study of the economic and social development of Bolivia and Latin America.

    The 30th edition of LAJED magazine has five articles in which national and international researchers present studies on the economic and social development of Bolivia and Latin America. To them we express our profound gratitude. The subjects investigated are varied and address macroeconomic, environmental, social and historical aspects.

  • Revista Latinoamericana de Desarrollo Económico No. 29

    Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 29
    Vol. 16 No. 29 (2018)

    The Institute of Socio-Economic Research (IISEC) of the Bolivian Catholic University "San Pablo" presents with great satisfaction the twenty-ninth issue of the Latin American Journal of Economic Development, LAJED. Since its foundation in 2003, the journal has published its 28 preceding issues in a biannual and uninterrupted manner, becoming an important space for researchers committed to the study of the economic and social development of Bolivia and Latin America.

    The documents published in the Journal LAJED have achieved high standards of quality and relevance for academics, decision makers and civil society. This is the result of a collaborative work between the internal editorial committee, the members of the international editorial board and the impeccable external arbitration work carried out by the Bolivian Academy of Economic Sciences (A.B.C.E.); to all of them our deepest gratitude.

    This issue of the LAJED magazine contains five research articles on topics of productive complementarities, environmental economics, health, quality of life and monetary policy.

  • Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 28

    Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 28
    Vol. 15 No. 28 (2017)

    The Socio-Economic Research Institute (IISEC) of the Bolivian Catholic University "San Pablo" presents with great satisfaction the twenty-eighth issue of the Latin American Journal of Economic Development LAJED. Since its foundation in 2003, the magazine has published two annual issues in an uninterrupted manner, thus constituting an important space for authors committed to the study of the economic and social development of Bolivia and Latin America.

    The joint work between the internal Editorial Board, the members of the International Editorial Board and the rigorous external arbitration process led by the Bolivian Academy of Economic Sciences (ABCE) has allowed the documents published in the LAJED journal to have high quality standards and be of important relevance, both for academics and for policymakers and civil society. That is why we express our gratitude for such an impeccable task.

    This issue of the magazine LAJED contains six research articles on the topics of international trade, labour market, fiscal policy, social mechanisms of regulation of competition, macroeconomics and financial markets.

  • Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 27

    Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 27
    Vol. 14 No. 27 (2016)

    It is with great joy that the Institute of Socio-Economic Research (IISEC) of the Bolivian Catholic University "San Pablo" presents number 27 of the Latin American Journal of Economic Development (LAJED). The journal celebrates fourteen years of uninterrupted biannual publication and more than 140 national and international academic articles. It is currently indexed to Revistas Bolivianas, Latindex and SciELO Bolivia, and will soon be indexed to Redalyc and DOAJ.

      The interest of national and international academics to publish their contributions in the LAJED, the support of the International Editorial Board and the committed work of external arbitration conducted by the Bolivian Academy of Economic Sciences (ABCE) are responsible for the level of excellence of the journal ; to them we express our deep gratitude.

    In this issue, the LAJED has five academic articles on economic issues that are very relevant for Latin America: three dedicated to economic policies (monetary, fiscal and prohibition of the export of meat) in Bolivia, one oriented to the structure and dynamics of the labor market in Colombia and Bolivia, and one aimed at the experience of the Development Banks within the framework of industrial policies in Argentina and Brazil.

  • Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 26

    Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 26
    Vol. 14 No. 26 (2016)

    The LAJED journal is already in its 26 number, and its continuity must be highlighted, which is not always present in our medium. The journal contains four research articles and a discussion article.

  • Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 25

    Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 25
    Vol. 14 No. 25 (2016)

    During the past century and the nascent 21st century, economics has been one of the favorite sciences for the social message of the Catholic Church. The most important documents of the pontifical social magisterium show this aspect: the labor and labor question addressed by Leo XIII; Pio XI in his assessment of the most developed and international capitalism; the social thought of the pontificate of Saint John XXIII, Paul VI and Saint John Paul II, and the message of revaluation of the dignity of the human being in a globalized world by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. At present, the pontifical social magisterium of Pope Francis has emphasized and deepened a necessary reflection on the need to redirect the development of economies, orienting it towards a genuine human and environmental inclusion.

  • Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 24

    Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 24
    Vol. 13 No. 24 (2015)

    The Socio-Economic Research Institute (I.I.S.E.C.) of the Bolivian Catholic University "San Pablo" and the Bolivian Academy of Economic Sciences (A.B.C.E.) are pleased to present the twenty-fourth issue of the Latin American Journal of Economic Development, LAJED. In this occasion, presenting five research studies of academic rigor related to topics of: agricultural economy, climatic vulnerability, international trade, labor productivity and fiscal policy. Each of these investigations is constituted, from this publication, on relevant contributions to the academic discussion in each of its areas of study.

  • Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 23

    Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 23
    Vol. 13 No. 23 (2015)

    The Institute of Socio-Economic Research (IISEC) of the Bolivian Catholic University "San Pablo" has the satisfaction of presenting the twenty-third issue of the Latin American Journal of Economic Development (LAJED), corresponding to the first semester of 2015. This number presents four Research on topics of Economy and a discussion article. The topics addressed by these investigations explore macroeconomic problems, socioeconomic analysis and economic evaluation of public programs, among others.

  • LAJED Special Edition 2015

    LAJED Special Edition 2015
    Vol. 13 (2015)

    The Institute of Socioeconomic Research (IISEC), the Bolivian Catholic University "San Pablo", and the ARU Foundation present a special issue of the Latin American Journal of Economic Development (LAJED). On this occasion, it seeks to contribute to the debate. In addition, the document provides added value by exposing various impact evaluation methodologies that respond to the availability of data that a country such as Bolivia has.
    During the last dates several public policies were implemented in the social area in Bolivia. Many of these policies seek solutions in problems of employment, education, social protection, health and support to the productive sector among others. The objectives of these programs focus on the well-being of groups of people. However, many of these public policies do not have an analysis on the effects they had on the life of the population.
    The evaluation of the impact of public policies is a tool that allows to observe the efficiency and effectiveness in the fulfillment of its objectives. In this way, this analysis can be useful.

  • Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 22

    Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 22
    Vol. 12 No. 22 (2014)

    The relevance of environmental aspects in economic analysis and the impact of climate change on production and socio-economic relations, currently generate vast literature in the field of economic science. Consequently, the Institute of Socio-Economic Research (IISEC) of the Bolivian Catholic University "San Pablo", has the satisfaction of presenting the twenty-second issue of the Latin American Journal of Economic Development (LAJED), which in this special issue presents five research documents under the theme of climate change, environment and energy. The document "Social Impacts of Climate Change in Bolivia: A municipal level analysis of the effects of climate change on life expectancy, poverty, and inequality," analyzes evidence on climate change in Bolivia during the last sixty years. Estimates are made about the probable effects of these changes on the levels of life expectancy and consumption in the municipalities of the country. The simulations presented by the authors suggest that climate change in the analysis period contributed to an increase in inequality and poverty in the country.

  • Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 21

    Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 21
    Vol. 12 No. 21 (2014)

    This issue of the LAJED contains five articles, and one discussion article. We would like to thank the constant support of authorities of the Bolivian Catholic University San Pablo, who once more manifest their inconditional support to our work. 

  • Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 20

    Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 20
    Vol. 11 No. 20 (2013)

    The Institute of Socioeconomic Research (IISEC), of the Bolivian Catholic University "San Pablo", presents the twentieth issue of the Latin American Journal of Economic Development (LAJED). On this occasion, the magazine seeks to contribute to the debate and generation of knowledge in the area of poverty at a national and international level.

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