Free of Illiteracy? Evaluating the Bolivian Experience with the National Literacy Program "I Yes I Can"


  • Wemer L. Hernani-Limarino Fundación ARU
  • Christian Valencia
  • Paul Villarroel ARU Foundation



Impact evaluation, literacy programs, education


This paper evaluates the success of National Literacy Program (PNA) "Yo Sí Puedo". First, we evaluate whether the implementation of PNA is associated with a change in the level and trend racy and if such changes were sufficient to reduce the incidence of illiteracy below 4%, which permits declare a country free of illiteracy. Moreover, we evaluate the impact of n basic reading and writing skills. In the first scenario, we found no evidence to show that PNA has reduced levels of illiteracy and natural rates of illiteracy reduction except for women in areas. In the second scenario, estimates show that PNA impact is quantitatively small but statistically significant on mechanical reading skills, statistically not different from zero on two reading comprehension outcomes, and quantitatively small but statistically significant on written communication skills. While our results are inconsistent with official statements declare Bolivia as free of illiteracy, they are consistent with other evaluations showing the ineffectiveness and inefficiency of adult literacy programs.


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How to Cite

Hernani-Limarino, W. L. ., Valencia, C. ., & Villarroel, P. (2015). Free of Illiteracy? Evaluating the Bolivian Experience with the National Literacy Program "I Yes I Can". Latin American Journal of Economic Development, 13, 149–232.