The political liberalism of Karl Popper


  • Gabriel J. Zanotti Higher School of Economics and Business Administration (ESEADE)



liberalism, political philosophy


The political liberalism of Karl Popper is usually interpreted as a sedimentation of his science philosophy, which is based on the impossibility of a true certain Knowledge. This work intends to demonstrate that this precise interpretation doesn't reflect a careful reading of the political philosophy of Popper, which in fact is based on a categorical requirement derived from his ethics.


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Author Biography

Gabriel J. Zanotti, Higher School of Economics and Business Administration (ESEADE)

Higher School of Economics and Business Administration (ESEADE). Political Philosophy of Buenos Aires,
Argentina .


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How to Cite

Zanotti, G. J. (2007). The political liberalism of Karl Popper. Latin American Journal of Economic Development, 5(9), 175–190.