Interest rates and portfolio differentiated performance of microfinance entities before multiple systemic shocks. Is Stiglitz and Weiss Theorem fulfilled in Bolivian microfinance?


  • Marcelo Villafani-lbarnegaray Ohio State University
  • Claudio Gónzales- Vega Ohio State University



microfinance, macroeconomy, instability, Systemic Shocks


Due to the social, political and macroeconomic instability that Bolivia has experienced over the last decade, the financial system has been exposed to successive and cumulative systemic shocks. However, the incidence of these risks has not been uniform among financial entities. In contrast to the rest of the system, microfinance organizations (MFOs) have expanded their loan portfolios, in a recessive macroeconomic environment characterized by political uncertainty. The financial authorities are concerned about this differentiated performance and the higher loan interest rates. Extending the Sitiglitz and Weiss theorem, this article shows that MFO growth has been the result of a fortunate combination between the financial technologies applied, successively improved, and the characteristics of the clientele. The results obtained justify a redirection of the financial policy debate, to favor the most vulnerable segments of the population.


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Author Biographies

Marcelo Villafani-lbarnegaray, Ohio State University

Research Associate, Doctorate Program of the Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics at Ohio State University.

Claudio Gónzales- Vega, Ohio State University

Professor and Director of the Rural Finance Program, Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics at Ohio State University.


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How to Cite

Villafani-lbarnegaray, M., & Gónzales- Vega, C. (2007). Interest rates and portfolio differentiated performance of microfinance entities before multiple systemic shocks. Is Stiglitz and Weiss Theorem fulfilled in Bolivian microfinance?. Latin American Journal of Economic Development, 5(8), 11–52.