Where is Bolivia going? A propositive reflection on its history and development


  • Flavio Escóbar
  • Claudia Vásquez




Business system


Bolivia is facing a moment of political, social and economic antagonism in the framework of an inequitable distribution model lacking a business system to be the motor of development; In the words of Barbens (2004), without a company we have a broken or broken country.

In a world with clear trends such as globalization, technological revolution and competitiveness, and with increasingly better-positioned blocs and nations, such as United States, China and the European Union, the rigor question for this remote land that is barely listened in the world concert is: where is Bolivia going?



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How to Cite

Escóbar, F., & Vásquez, C. (2005). Where is Bolivia going? A propositive reflection on its history and development. Latin American Journal of Economic Development, 3(5), 157–180. https://doi.org/10.35319/lajed.20055257