Determinants of foreign direct investment on some Latin American countries


  • Jesús Mogrovejo University of Santiago de Compostela.



Foreign investment, Foreign direct investment, Privatization


The research work pretends to expose the determinant factors that encourage foreign firms to invest and operate in the nineteen latin-american countries, solely, by the conditioning factors approach that represent the intrinsic characteristics of these countries in the attraction of investment, and not (as a function of) the internal factors of the investing firms. As such, this study tries to corroborate to what extent the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is a function of the size of the market, the commercial aperture, the country risk, labour costs of these countries and the atypical investments inputs - privatization and unexpected FDI inputs -. In this context, a brief theoretical description is done in order to give way to a descriptive analysis, which is formalized by econometric models that contemplate panel data for nineteen countries and with a timeframe comprised between 1990 and 2003.


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Author Biography

Jesús Mogrovejo, University of Santiago de Compostela.

PhD student, University of Santiago de Compostela.


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How to Cite

Mogrovejo, J. (2005). Determinants of foreign direct investment on some Latin American countries. Latin American Journal of Economic Development, 3(5), 51–82.