Quality of life clusters and climate change in Bolivia: Multitemporal space analysis applying Geographic Information Systems


  • María Castro Calisaya Technical University of Oruro




Poverty, Climate Change, Space Econometrics, Geographic Information Systems


The geographical distribution of economic activity in Bolivia, as well as the behavior of climatic factors, has contributed in the last decades to an unbalanced development, which makes it possible to demonstrate the existence of clusters of quality of life at the departmental, municipal and geographic levels from Bolivia. The poverty level calculated through the application of the methodology of the Unsatisfied Basic Needs, allows observing the living conditions of the population considering variables of housing, health, education and basic sanitation, and how in time the advances are significant. Taking into account the Poverty Social Indicators as a result of the 1992, 2001 and 2012 census processes and with the records of 137 weather stations, an analysis is carried out that allows us to present empirical evidence of the relationship between poverty levels at the municipal level in Bolivia and the variables of climate change: temperature and level of precipitation, using spatial econometric techniques in three cross section and geographic information systems.


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Author Biography

María Castro Calisaya, Technical University of Oruro

Economist. Teaching Faculty of Economics, Financial and Administrative Sciences and Researcher of the Postgraduate Management of the Technical University of Oruro.


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How to Cite

Castro Calisaya, M. (2018). Quality of life clusters and climate change in Bolivia: Multitemporal space analysis applying Geographic Information Systems. Latin American Journal of Economic Development, 16(29), 103–150. https://doi.org/10.35319/lajed.20182921