Intergovernmental negotiation settings: partisan and territorial interests in the fiscal decentralization processes in Bolivia and Ecuador
Intergovernmental relations, Fiscal decentralization, InstitutionalismAbstract
The analysis of intergovernmental negotiations usually focuses on the results of such negotiations or, from a political economy point of view, on the motivations of the different actors. Less attention has been paid to where these negotiations take place. This may be due in part to the fact that, in much of the federal experience, the negotiation settings are largely institutionalized. The fiscal decentralization processes in Bolivia and Ecuador provide the opportunity to study these negotiation settings in contexts of evolving unitary states. Thesesettings are linked to the intensity with which partisan interests and territorial interests of the negotiation actors present themselves. The last constitutional changes have tried to institutionalize these scenarios, whose necessity became more visible with the incorporation of new levels of government.
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