The theories of economic growth: critical notes to venture into an unfinished debate


  • Isaac Enríquez Pérez National Autonomous University of Mexico



Theories and models of economic growth, stylized facts, state functions in growth, economic, interdisciplinary glances relation of economics to political science


This article outlined, from an interdisciplinary point and didactic pretensions, a state of knowledge about the historical evolution of the different theories of economic growth, recognizing the socio-historical context in which they are conceived, and its main concepts, contributions, achievements, constraints and implications in terms of public policy and intervention by the State; without addressing albeit not so succinctly the origins of the debates around the nature and causes of the wealth of nations in economic thought. To accomplish this, it is important to unravel the epistemological aspects underlying theories of economic growth and implications this has to study the economic process in the southern hemisphere and those realities where the theoretical reflections in question has not hatched; hence it is important to keep in mind the challenges facing Latin American social sciences to incorporate economic growth in the construction of alternative national projects and the possibilities of overcoming deflationary orthodoxy that still prevails in the economic policies of various countries.


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Author Biography

Isaac Enríquez Pérez, National Autonomous University of Mexico

Sociologist with a Postgraduate in History of Economic Thought and a Doctorate in Development Economics; Academic at the National Autonomous University of Mexico and selected as a Junior Researcher by the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO). His latest book is entitled "Strategies of Development and the Avatars of National Planning: A Sociohistorical Study for the Reconstruction of a Lost Paradigm in Mexican Public Policies".


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How to Cite

Enríquez Pérez, I. (2016). The theories of economic growth: critical notes to venture into an unfinished debate. Latin American Journal of Economic Development, 14(25), 73–126.