Globalization, Public Policy and Local Development: the South-Southeast Region, Oaxaca, Mexico


  • Carlos García Medina University of the Isthmus, Oaxaca, Mexico



Public policies, local development, the South-Southeast region of Mexico


Land has acquired a new dimension; now, land is not only the basis for private and public enterprise, but it is also the key element that combines the economic and social activities essential for local and regional development. This combination of economic and social activities is represented by several models that have attempted to integrate the elements of space; however, neither private nor public policies have fully achieved their stated objective, in point of fact, they have created pockets of development and have caused fragmentation of the land. Economic development is concentrated in small areas; this concentration creates vast areas of ‘unoccupied’ land, or land where there is an obvious lack of economic development. This is the case in the South-Southeast region of Mexico; the region has deficiencies in several areas, as a result, economic development must be promoted through global solutions and the relevance of social factors must be recognized.


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Author Biography

Carlos García Medina, University of the Isthmus, Oaxaca, Mexico

PhD in Geographical Sciences. State University of St. Petersburg, Russia 2004. University of the Isthmus, Oaxaca, Mexico 2011.


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How to Cite

García Medina, C. (2013). Globalization, Public Policy and Local Development: the South-Southeast Region, Oaxaca, Mexico: . Latin American Journal of Economic Development, 11(19), 215–226.