Farmers' willingness to adopt irrigation for quinoa in communities of the Central Altiplano of Bolivia


  • Cristal Taboada Universidad Mayor de San Andrés
  • Armando Mamani Universidad Mayor de San Andrés
  • Dirk Raes K.U. Leuven University
  • Erik Mathijs K.U. Leuven University
  • Magalí García Universidad Mayor de San Andrés
  • Sam Geerts VLIR-UOS
  • Jere Gilles University of Missouri



Quinoa, deficit irrigation, willingness for technology adoption


Quinoa is considered a strategic crop because it is well adapted to the adverse abiotic conditions of the Bolivian Altiplano; however, the average yield is low. Previous studies have demonstrated that quinoa yield would increase with deficit irrigation technology. Nevertheless, to irrigate quinoa is not a normal practice in the farming systems of the Altiplano. This paper examines the main factors that determine the attitude of farmers towards adopting deficit irrigation using a sample of 137 surveys in seven communities of the Central Altiplano. Statistic analysis demonstrates that the most important factors influencing farmers' willingness for irrigation adoption are the acreage planted with quinoa, quantity of surplus production for trading, and having irrigation experience. Also, the age and education level were important to know willingness to adopt a new technology. Therefore, deficit irrigation is more likely to be performed in area where farmers own larger fields and where there is already certain type of irrigation.


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Author Biographies

Cristal Taboada, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés

Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (UMSA). Agronomy faculty. QUINAGUA Project.

Armando Mamani, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés

Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (UMSA). Agronomy faculty. QUINAGUA Project.

Dirk Raes, K.U. Leuven University

K.U. Leuven University, Division of Soil and Water Management.

Erik Mathijs, K.U. Leuven University

K.U. Leuven University, Division Agricultural and Food Economics. 

Magalí García, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés

Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (UMSA). Agronomy faculty. QUINAGUA Project.

Sam Geerts, VLIR-UOS

VLIR-UOS, Bolwerksquare 1A 1050 BRUSSEL. 

Jere Gilles, University of Missouri

University of Missouri, Department of Rural Sociology. 


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How to Cite

Taboada, C., Mamani, A., Raes, D., Mathijs, E., García, M., Geerts, S., & Gilles, J. (2011). Farmers’ willingness to adopt irrigation for quinoa in communities of the Central Altiplano of Bolivia. Latin American Journal of Economic Development, 9(16), 7–28.