Wasted years: Informality and returns to education in Bolivia


  • Pablo Mendieta Ossio Universidad Católica de Chile




Schooling returns, informality, Bolivia


During the last years some estimates showed a low average return on schooling in Bolivia. With the use of two databases, the standard annual household survey, and the novel demand for skills survey, I found a non-linear shape of schooling returns. Even more, I improved the estimation with the use of a segmented labor market approach. Joint a matching technique, I estimated models which support the hypothesis that this pattern is due to a widespread informality issue. I explore the ways this result could be enhanced with a skill connection and a general-equilibrium segmented search labor model.


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Author Biography

Pablo Mendieta Ossio, Universidad Católica de Chile

Bolivian. Ph.D. Student at UPB Graduate Economics Program 2017-2021 and Deputy Manager of the Bolivian Center of Economics at CAINCO.


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Wasted years: Informality and returns to education in Bolivia



How to Cite

Mendieta Ossio, P. (2022). Wasted years: Informality and returns to education in Bolivia. Latin American Journal of Economic Development, 20(37), 87–111. https://doi.org/10.35319/lajed.202237469