Access and Availability in the Potato Food Chain. Case Study in Rural Communities of the Batallas Municipality-La Paz Department (Bolivia)


  • Veriozka Azeñas Mallea Bolivian Catholic University (UCB) "San Pablo"
  • Jean Paul Benavides López Bolivian Catholic University (UCB) "San Pablo"



Food security, access, availability, preferences, affordability, potatoes, agricultural production


Malnutrition levels have reduced in the last decade in Bolivia, even though an important proportion of the rural population has high levels of vulnerability to food insecurity. These events are accompanied by a significant increase in agricultural food importations that imply a decrease in the production and commercialization of local peasant products. The purpose of this study is to characterize the potato value chain (production and commercialization) at family unit scale, in order to understand its influence on food security. A survey has been carried out based in social and cultural family context of the respondents (102 potato-producing families belonging to 5 communities in the municipality of Batallas). A Principal Component Analysis, correlation analysis (Kendall) and inferential tests were carried out to identify key economic-productive indicators and establish their relationship with elements of access and food availability.

The results showed the influence of the amount of potato produced on the allocation to consumption and trade. It is shown that, the greater the quantity of potato produced, the greater the amount of potato consumed and the lower the expenditure on food, having a positive impact on the availability of self-produced food. Likewise, the greater the quantities of potatoes sold, the greater the income that would serve to satisfy the needs of acquiring other types of food (besides potatoes). However, investment in family labor in production and commercialization tasks does not improve profitability and therefore does not contribute to the availability or access of food. This study shows that trade-offs between elements of food security guide the logic of the producer family in terms of production, commercialization and consumption, it reveals the importance of performance, profitability and the central role played by the labor of the producer family and the responsible consumption of the actors in the chain, suggesting its potential to improve food security in a time of agri-food system transformation in Bolivia.


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How to Cite

Azeñas Mallea, V., & Benavides López, J. P. (2021). Access and Availability in the Potato Food Chain. Case Study in Rural Communities of the Batallas Municipality-La Paz Department (Bolivia). Latin American Journal of Economic Development, 19, 121–153.