Rational Bubbles and the S&P 500. An empirical approach


  • Óscar Martínez




Bubble Estimation, Kalman Filter, Stochastic Discount Factor


We analyze if the dynamics of the S&P500 resemble those of a rational bubble. We find positive evidence in this question by applying the Kalman Filter to a suitable asset pricing model proposed and our conclusion is robust to three different stochastic discount factors SDFs considered: Linear Utility, Log Utility and CRRA utility. We also find evidence of a relationship between the type of SDF and the size of a bubble in the S&P500 case.


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Rational Bubbles and the S&P 500. An empirical approach



How to Cite

Martínez, Óscar. (2021). Rational Bubbles and the S&P 500. An empirical approach. Latin American Journal of Economic Development, 19(35), 135–158. https://doi.org/10.35319/lajed.202135441