Estimation of Child Support for Single-headed Households in Capital Cities of Bolivia


  • Edison Choque Instituto de Estudios Avanzados en Desarrollo (INESAD)
  • Carla Salamanca Instituto de Estudios Avanzados en Desarrollo (INESAD)
  • Isabel Quehui Instituto de Estudios Avanzados en Desarrollo (INESAD)



Matching, child support, single-headed household, common range


The study offers a methodology that combines the marginal and per capita-average approach for estimating child support. The 2015-2016 family budget survey is used for households above the moderate poverty line in 5 capital cities and the metropolis of La Paz, in Bolivia. According to the results, monthly child support lies between Bs. 1,045 (Sucre) and Bs. 1,509 (Trinidad) in households with a child enrolled in public education. If education is private, this calculation rises to Bs. 1,570 (La Paz-metropolis) and Bs. 1,959 (Trinidad). In the metropolis of La Paz, child support represents 67% and 87% of the national minimum wage when children study in public and private schools respectively. It is evident that these percentages are higher than the minimum of 20% established by the Family and Family Process Code (Law Nº 603, 2014).


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Estimación de la manutención infantil para hogares monoparentales en las ciudades capitales de Bolivia



How to Cite

Choque, E., Salamanca, C., & Quehui, I. (2021). Estimation of Child Support for Single-headed Households in Capital Cities of Bolivia. Latin American Journal of Economic Development, 19(35), 59–94.