“Without Blood in the Face...”: (dis) honesty, social rules and economic processes


  • José Antonio Rocha Torrico Universidad Mayor de San Simón
  • José Manuel Rocha Balboa Universidad Mayor de San Simón




Controlled Experimentation, Behavioral Economics, Honesty, Decision Making, Institutional fteory, ANOVA, Non-Parametric Analysis


Based on the method of Mazar et al. (2008), this study investigates the degree of (dis) honesty that individuals incur. Two behavioral experiments were carried out in which 685 students from two Faculties of the Major San Simon University (UMSS) participated. Both experiments generated, through analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Kruskal-Wallis rank sum tests, two fundamental facts: i) individuals are dishonest, though without reaching the maximum level of deception and ii) the description of a context that involves moral discernment encourages honesty to a greater degree in Human Sciences students, in contrast to Economic Sciences students. Both evidence corroborate, on the one hand, that the decision-making of agents is influenced by a conglomerate of informal norms, individually assumed and/or socially determined. On the other hand, they question the postulate of the homo economicus.


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How to Cite

Rocha Torrico, J. A., & Rocha Balboa, J. M. (2020). “Without Blood in the Face.”: (dis) honesty, social rules and economic processes. Latin American Journal of Economic Development, 18(33), 105–141. https://doi.org/10.35319/lajed.202033417