Measurement of Reelection Perspectives in Bolivia Related to the Patterns of Quality of Life


  • Lorena Andrea Heller Vilela Ministry of Economy and Public Finance



Elections, Quality of Life, Political Economy, Well-being


The purpose of this document is to analyze the relationship between citizens’ quality of life and their decision to re-elect the ruling parties in Bolivia. For this purpose, a panel data is used at municipal and departmental level from 1999 to 2018, taking into account macroeconomic behavior and a Quality of Life Indicator. ftis research follows the methodological strategy proposed by Ward (2015), with the inclusion of an indicator to estimate the well-being of the population. fterefore, a Quality of Life Indicator is developed following Cortés, Gamboa and Gonzáles (1999), who use the principal components method to summarize the information of the different components that determine the level of well-being of a citizen. fte results demonstrate that electoral decisions are not only associated to macroeconomic state but also to the general welfare of citizens.


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How to Cite

Heller Vilela, L. A. (2020). Measurement of Reelection Perspectives in Bolivia Related to the Patterns of Quality of Life. Latin American Journal of Economic Development, 18(33), 7–32.