Trends of Private Formal Employment of Perú: an Analysis with Electronic Payroll (2008-2018)


  • Julio Pérez Coaguila Catholic University of Peru.



Formalization of employment, models of decomposition, demand for work.


This document analyzes the trends and possible changes generated in the registered formal employment of the private sector, based on the information from the electronic form reported from August 2010 to August 2018. The evidence reveals that there are no significant changes in the trends and formal employment structures of the private sector. However, there was a reduction in the proportional employment gap in favor of women and a consolidation of the adult labor force aged 30 and over. More than 88% of the increase in female private formal employment was explained by intersectoral dynamism (effect within) and not by structural changes in the labor market. In most regions, the growth of private formal employment was mainly explained by the regional effect due to internal specialization and sectoral dynamism in the regions.


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How to Cite

Pérez Coaguila, J. . (2019). Trends of Private Formal Employment of Perú: an Analysis with Electronic Payroll (2008-2018). Latin American Journal of Economic Development, 17(32), 34–56.