Inclusive growth and decent jobs by gender: the case of urban areas in Bolivia
Decent jobs, inclusive growth, genderAbstract
This study assesses how inclusive was the extraordinary growth experienced by Bolivia between 2006 and 2019 in terms of decent jobs generation in urban areas and by gender. We use the Ali and Son (2007) concentration of opportunities curves, the Cameron and Trivedi (2005) Bootstrap technique to estimate confidence intervals for measuring the robustness of differences in the results between years, and we approximate decent jobs with five rates proposed by Muriel (2014, 2019, 2020a, 2020b), i.e., job stability, Christmas bonus tenure, social protection, sufficient labor income and labor association affiliation. The results show that growth was inclusive between 2006 and 2011, but not later. The percentage of workers with Christmas bonus, sufficient labor income and affiliation to some labor association were lower in 2019 compared to 2006. As for the gender gaps, the one associated with sufficient labor income stands out, but the main problems lie in the inequities of access to opportunities within the same female population.
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